
Flagrant (and/or repeated) violations of stated rules (and anything sufficiently ridiculous that comes up unexpectedly) may result in being tossed off of the peak of Mount Hotenow (or ejection from the guild.)

The Rules

  • Just say no to drama: we all get pissed off, and we all have bad days. Sometimes, life can be a nasty wench. We care about our fellow members, and the things going on in their lives. But there is a line between “Hey, guys, I have this thing going on…” and causing problems for the guild, and other players. Bickering happens, but in-fighting that impacts the guild and gameplay is not and will not be tolerated. This is a guild, not a private skirmish with our members as free-for-all targets. Your guildmates are not Orcs in need of head-smashing.
  • Take what you need, need what you take, and give what you can.
    • Our bank is, for the most part, accessible to all members. If you need something, take it (if it’s an item with greater rarity, check with the officers, or make sure no one else needs it.) But don’t take more than you really need.
    • If someone says that they have placed an item in the bank simply for storage, or one that is intended for a certain member or purpose, respect that. Accidents happen, but be prepared to compensate your guildmate for the lost item.
    • Give what you can, whether it is a stack of potions you won’t be using, some coins, an item that someone else (or lower ranks) may find useful, or an item to be auctioned for AD (and guild slots).
    • If you need help with something specific, let us know. We’ll see what we can do.
    • We hope to never have to use the bank log to sniff out abuse. Please don’t put us, and yourself, in that awkward of a position. It’s inconsiderate, and it takes too damn long to go through the log.
    • Deliberate abuse of the guild bank is subject to temporary loss of bank privileges. Further abuse may give you a one-way ticket out of the guild.
  • The lowest guild rank is considered probationary. After a short period, if all goes well, you will be upgraded to the next rank.
  • All members, save for those in the lowest probationary rank, have a vote in changes, rules, and events. Big Damn Heroes (the primary council) may have veto power over certain situations. Similarly, certain things may be solely decided by that council.
  • Log in/attendance rules:
    • None. Play when you can. Events will have RSVPs, and we’ll do our best to work the largest events around average availability. If more people RSVP than can be hosted in a single party, multiple parties will be formed, with temporary channels set up in the TeamSpeak server to prevent confusion (for those who want to take advantage of that option.)


Use common sense. Don’t be a bigot. No proselytizing. Be like Wil Wheaton: Don’t be a dick.


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